Saturday, March 04, 2006

All relationships are transactional; and because they are transactions, they are also negotiable.


Anonymous said...

Ramesh :
I find your thought and postings fascinating.

I am a (old) student of philosophy.

Have you come across the book " The selfish Gene ?"
If so, could you please post your thought on it here ?
- Kumar

Anonymous said...

DNA's primary function is survival. Any deviation from this function is forced, adapted orartificially induced and therefore not permanent. Being selfish, as opposed to being unselfish, is cardinal to the principal of survival, and therefore automatically part and parcel of all living beings - as we know them, in our world.

Humans, however, unlike other beings, have moved beyond genetics, as is proved by the fact that they are in the process of destroying themselves -- not because of being 'unselfish,' but because of being conscious of their existence, and therefore creating the instinct of curiosity and enlarging it way beyond the instinct of survival. I'd like to expand on this crucial point later on.

I have not read the book you referred to, and perhaps may not be able to do so, except to go to the net and find out how I react and try to convey my reactions later. In the meantime, thanks, and my good wishes.