Monday, March 27, 2006

Somebody made a very kind comment on a series of advertisements which I had designed for my company, and posted on my website:
Hey, loved it. Said everything. Ads ho to aise! Particularly when it is intended to market something like plastic, which always is looked at from a negative angle...

Here are three more, straight from the heart, for the nice things that were said about the earlier ones. These are from a series of twenty ads which were released in that particular year. A very senior former diplomat showed a great deal of interest in these, and asked my permission to use their contents in his lectures around the world, both during his term as a diplomat, and post-retirement.


swami said...

Sorry, couldn't hold the curiosity - what happened to plasticraft now?? What is it's current state?

I tried "googling" but was unsuccessful. There are many other plasticrafts and I was too tired to do a proper investigation. :-)

Anonymous said...

I retired early from Plasticraft, and the remaining partners folded it up in view of their other entrepreneurial and commercial occupations.