Thursday, June 02, 2011


The samples of chairs which will be required in millions to attend the convocations of rival fasting camps for removing corruption. Ignore the amounts that changed hands in buying and selling these chairs and other amenities: there had to be a commission for such large-scale transactions.

Charu wrote:

How apropos!
Bribery on top of bribery, "stacked"
Love charu
Vikash wrote:

Thats a very interesting point of you Sir. however dramatized all these anti- corruption agitations might appear, I still believe they are good in a way. its similar to T 20 , no matter in which direction the batsman swings watt matters is ( even if its a directionless way ) the ball crosses the boundary line....


Anonymous said...


How apropos!
Bribery on top of bribery, "stacked"

Love charu

Vikash Srivastav said...

Thats a very interesting point of you Sir. however dramatized all these anti- corruption agitations might appear, I still believe they are good in a way. its similar to T 20 , no matter in which direction the batsman swings watt matters is ( even if its a directionless way ) the ball crosses the boundary line....