Monday, February 11, 2013


that breakable breaks
if delved into enough
will be found divested of irony

the unbreakable
perishes in a variety of ways
by disintegrating degenerating decomposing
getting diseased

in the context of human beings
probably the most referenced
and preferred object
is the heart
which infarcts
but is said to have been broken
most extravagantly

so wish it or not
bend it or not
things relations situations meetings
allergies epidemics
some even break out
no breaking news
or that

Anonymous wrote:
Today's poem has shaken me completely, I don't know why, and to repeat myself for the millionth time, the juxtaposition of picture and words is awesome and unique.


Anonymous said...


Violation of wholeness is "Breaking", a scourge; virulent and all pervasive, within a self and without.

Evidence or the lack thereof separates one from the rest.


Anonymous said...

once the heart is broken, how can feelings be felt.

Ramesh Gandhi said...

Someone wafting even the briefest and plainest expression of approval, reaching me even after a decade or more, is still very touching and meaningful to a very insecure person.