Saturday, June 01, 2013


I envied the terraced village, ensconced, with residents whom I imagined or maybe fantasized, living simple, uncluttered, innocent lives; going about their days and nights without the questions, bafflements, perplexities of urbane existence in the fast lanes of incremental incomprehension, struggling unceasingly, losing battles.

But then my picture captured the contrast in the foreground, of fragments of advanced civilisation. I did not have the heart to just show the village without them, nor with them. So here are both the pictures. If I find viewers who choose one or the other, and communicate to me their own empathy for one or the other  or both, I would be grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Since the comment on only the reaction to content of the pictures is invited, I will rhetorically ask, am I allowed to have empathy for neither?!

They are what they are, so called civilized or so called not so civilized parts of the world.

What is so strikingly apparent is the bounty of natural beauty that is even handedly offered to both segments of the society. One segment has time and money to leisurely enjoy it, the other does not have time, money or even a care to notice it; let alone ponder the bafflement of existence.

Referring to the pictures themselves, I was struck by greenery of the place.
