Wednesday, October 08, 2014


soft and smooth
to the touch
but like a silkworm
within or without
the woven cocoon

Anonymous wrote:
That you composed with the mesh aslant and not straight adds to my picture of the bird having struggled before breaking free. The whole idea is metaphorical of course since no winged or feathered creature can escape from those tiny squares much as it might want to.

The doomed 'form' always wanting 'out' whether from life's constraints or from life itself.  

The feather in the image disturbed me. The magnified mesh looks like the grill of a hen coop and a feather stuck on it is suggestive of the body it must have been part of  So the word that stands out for me in the text is 'lifeless', in the sense of without life. It feels almost like life escaped through the gaps leaving a disembodied memory behind.

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