Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Forest in Water...

...or is it Water in Forest

Actually, on Earth as we know it, and call it (with various names in as many languages and dialects), water came first.

As far as, in all honesty, up to now, we have known, water is absent elsewhere in the Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, cluster of galaxies, or any physical body, as far as our vision, aided by our unquenchable curiosity, can take us into what we call the universe: the infinite space within which we exist, at least as of this moment, alone.

We have stretched our intellect and transported it with scientific equipment, vehicles, as far as we can reach; and we are progressively reaching and observing farther and farther. Yet we have still to find any sign of water and therefore, by extension, life, which as far as we know and evidence goes, began in water on our planet Earth.

It is not only possible but an imperative, that the unceasing deforestation which humankind has to progressively bring about to accommodate himself and his growing clan and necessities without which he cannot or, in all his vanity, will not do, unlike all other forms of living creatures, be halted. At the same time, it 
cannot be stopped or even slowed, making it hypothetically the cause of our perishing, at least in the form in which we exist or are familiar with.  Possibly, in the ensuing catastrophe, all life will become extinct.

Who knows? Perhaps we may escape or even save ourselves by moving on to other habitable life-supporting objects in space.

Maybe a Noah's Ark? A real, and not a mythological, one?

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