Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Broken Heart

what is it, a broken heart
what does indeed break, gets broken

when the heart breaks, 
is it sometimes or always
mutually broken

or as a dialogue
or a line of poetry used by writers
as a metaphor

as far as is known
the metaphor, broken heart
is an expression
which in one way or another
has a mention or story
about a broken heart
or many

is there a statute of limitations
for the age when it is possible
to break or have a broken heart
or is it timeless and unbound

is it only a loss
a vanity hurt and broken

Charu wrote:

The muscle that beats and pumps blood is nicely nestled beneath rib cages and is entirely impossible to break, physically. It can tilt on its axis, it can become 'leather' , it can also have a hole but break, no. Metaphorically, it can be broken unilaterally but often bilaterally too. That breaking of heart if between lovers is, perhaps, egos shattered. But a mother's broken heart at a child's passing, perhaps not. I have heard it said, so and so died of broken heart. It must not be the physical break, but the hurt of shattered ego must be so immense that the person withdrew from life, physically and literally. And, I do believe it is possible. In picture I see an unwrapped unboxed rose. Did someone sent you a mending of heart kit?

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