Friday, December 25, 2015

Ruffled Feathers

Ruffled. Discontent, unrest, inequity, sinister intemperate activism... 

... Among people around the world, but mostly among the largest of human populations, among the deprived ones who cannot comprehend or cope with pressures of shortages, unaffordable costs, unmitigated and instant recourse to violence, deprivation of basics like rudimentary food, water, timely medication,signs of relief from being engulfed by unexpected forces of inclement weather, political and socio- economic uncertainties... 

... Being ruffled to the extreme...

Bhashwati wrote:

Looks like you took this picture late at night. 
Whenever you took it, it is very startling.
So many lines and curves and waves.
i can sense them on my finger tips.

The text for feathers connects with the image in a very unexpected manner and i heart that. i also heart that the words came not as a flowing account but in short broken clauses, disrupted and disjointed much like lives faced with devastation. 

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