Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Cephalopods, which are a variety of mollusc, are carnivores. The octopus is a cephalopod.

When I was drawn to this particular plant, even though it did not look menacing, I could not help wondering if the markings on the tentacle-like leaves were nature's way of ensuring its cardinal principle of survival of the fittest, by attracting, luring its food to come closer. Would it follow that those leaves would close in on an unsuspecting insect, or a flower, or a fruit, and then feast upon it.

In any case, the duration of my composing the picture and clicking the camera passed without any demonstration of aggression.

Charu wrote:

I can alomst see tantacles worming.
They will seize me any minute. Sinister. And, effective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I can alomst see tantacles worming.
They will seize me any minute. Sinister. And, effective.

love charu