Saturday, July 15, 2017

Mahabalipuram Shore Temple, 1975

There are multitudes of pictures of this small temple; but I am posting this because it could not be taken today. The window where I stood was in a building that has been torn down. The area around it, a resort, has been filled with cottages, pools, villas, restaurants; and with so many palm trees that it is difficult even to catch a glimpse of the temple. The temple itself has been partly surrounded with a stone breakwater covered with casuarina trees, to protect it from the pounding of the sea. At the time that this picture was taken, one could walk to the side where the temple jutted out on a miniature peninsula into the sea, hold on to two iron rods with chains attached, and be drenched with the waves which continually splashed up against the temple itself.

The temple is ancient, and will probably endure for some time into the future, but the life around it flickers and changes as quickly and awkwardly as the frames of a silent movie, in grainy black and white.

(Wikipedia on the history of the Shore Temple:

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