Friday, January 11, 2013


Not even Pallas Athena nor blue-fevered Envy
Could damn Arachne's work.
The brown haired goddess Raged at the girl's success,
struck through her loom,
Tore down the scenes of wayward joys in heaven  
-- Ovid
Arachne was a Greek woman who was an exceptionally skilled weaver. She boasted that her weaving was better than that of the goddess Pallas Athena. As is the wont of all gods, that brought Athena's wrath down on Arachne's head. Athena in rage slashed Arachne's face, and then turned her into a spider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Even Fred or Leslie did not have as nimble a foot as this Daddy Long Leg.

Whatever the backdrop, it is perched just right.

I love this one too.
